South Central Regional Trauma Advisory Council (SCRTAC)
Executive Council Meeting
June 28, 2016 4PM Via Teleconference / Webinar
*** Minutes ***
- Welcome, introductions and attendance:
- The following members were in attendance:
- Dan Williams, Ben Eithun, Laura Stichter, Becky Turpin, Wendi Stitzer, Kelly Jung, Drew Dean, Chris Walters and Jonathan Kohler.
- Introduction of the new SCRTAC Executive Council Members:
- Kelly Jung: Trauma Coordinator from a Level 1 or 2 Trauma Center
- Jonathan Kohler: MD from a Level 1 or 2 Trauma Center
- Heather Poker: Chairperson of the Trauma Education Committee
- Previous EC members elected to another term:
- Chris Walters: Inter-facility EMS representative
- Laura Stichter: Rural EMS representative
- The following members were in attendance:
- Approval of the April 26th 2016 SCRTAC Executive Council minutes
- Motion by Ben Eithun, 2nd by Chris Walters: Unanimous approval.
- SCRTAC Executive Council Leadership Roles (Williams): With the elections complete, the council made unanimous approvals for the following SCRTAC Executive Council leadership roles:
- Chairperson: Ben Eithun, American Family Children’s Hospital
- Vice-Chairperson: Heather Poker, St. Mary’s Hospital of Madison
- Treasurer: Wendi Stitzer, Gundersen Boscobel Health
- SCRTAC Fiscal Report (Williams for McKibben)
- 2015-2016 budget funds: $2162.96
- SCRTAC checking account: $17,799.57
- Committee Updates to the Executive Council: Past, present and future
- Process Improvement (Eithun)
- Past:
- Using state-wide PI initiative criteria to look at our regional data for length of stay before transfer of greater than 3 hours.
- Addressing issues involving quality of data, lack of data from all agencies, etc.
- Present:
- Continue to evaluate the length of stay greater than 3 hours.
- Continue to work through DI Version 5.0 issues and learning curves.
- Past:
- Future:
- Work to better implement the SCRTAC peer case-review program
- Develop a case-review template that will provide give agencies more structure in knowing what to bring to the membership, and how to deliver the content.
- New Trauma Registry vender will start January 1, 2017, so work to provide as much assistance to our trauma coordinators and registrars as possible during this transitional period
- Work to better implement the SCRTAC peer case-review program
- Injury Prevention (Turpin)
- Past:
- Car Safety-Seat for EMS initiative
- Present:
- Recent SWOT analysis of the IP program yielded the following:
- Wrap-up car safety-seat initiative for EMS (1-2 agencies remain, having some issues getting things to move forward)
- Gain an understanding of other IP initiatives being done by other RTACs
- Consider more sharing/supporting/piggy-backing
- Identify IP contacts in the region
- Recent SWOT analysis of the IP program yielded the following:
- Future (in addition to the SWOT items above):
- Work with the State Injury Prevention staff that are developing a state-wide injury prevention survey to be sure the needs of our IP committee are addressed in the survey.
- Allocate funds sooner in the fiscal year to injury prevention initiatives.
- Consider a Trauma IP micro-grant program to address needs found in community health IP assessments.
- Past:
- Trauma Education (Williams and Poker)
- Past:
- Trauma Care Beyond the ED conference (annual event every December)
- Tourniquet Initiatives: 1st was for EMS, and 2nd for Law Enforcement
- Present:
- Trauma Care Beyond the ED (TCBTED)
- Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR) course (June 23-24)
- The Difficult Airway Course-EMS: (June 16-17)
- Future:
- TCBTED: Dec 1, 2016
- Discussion on proposed TCBTED Speaker Marcus Engel.
- Marcus is a former trauma patient that delivers a very powerful presentation from a trauma patient perspective.
- Fee is $10,000 all inclusive
- Williams shared that he fully supports the topic and the speaker but is very concerned about the appropriateness of spending $10,000 on a single speaker.
- Kelly Jung shared that he could be used to speak more than once that day for the same price.
- Becky Turpin suggested that perhaps another venue / committee / agency / etc might want to split the cost, by having him speak in the morning at one location and at our conference in the afternoon?
- Lori McKibben reminded the group that we do have the funds to cover the expense in the SCRTAC checking account, which has traditionally been ear-marked for TCBTED expenses.
- Wendi Stitzer shared her concern over the price of the speaker
- Jonathan Kohler shared his concern over the price of the speaker
- Heather Poker will look into options and report back to the Council.
- Williams shared that he fully supports the topic and the speaker but is very concerned about the appropriateness of spending $10,000 on a single speaker.
- Discussion on proposed TCBTED Speaker Marcus Engel.
- TCAR: August 17 & 18 (Mercy Janesville)
- Stop-the-Bleed campaign
- The SCRTAC has created a Stop-the-Bleed committee to address the best way to implement this campaign for our region.
- TCBTED: Dec 1, 2016
- Past:
- Process Improvement (Eithun)
- Certificate of Compliance: RTAC Objectives 2015-2016
- Williams shared the end-of-the-year check-off form that is submitted to the state indicating that the SCRTAC has successfully completed and met the assigned contract objectives. The document is signed by the RTAC Chairperson and the RTAC Coordinator and sent to the State Trauma Coordinator.
- SCRTAC funded trauma education:
- Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR)(Jung/Williams):
- The SCRTAC will funded 40 seats at the UW/SCRTAC co-sponsored TCAR course on June 23-24. Much thanks to Kelly Jung for her hard work in coordinating and hosting the event at her facility.
- Mercy Hospital and Trauma Center of Janesville will be hosting a TCAR course on August 17 & 18.
- The SCRTAC EC had made previous intent to fund several seats at this course for RN representatives from our region.
- The challenge identified was the timing of the course, as we likely would not have contract funds available in-time to cover the course expenses.
- Mercy Hospital has agreed to front up to $5000 for SCRTAC sponsored attendees, with the understanding that they would be fully reimbursed as soon as the SCRTAC contract funds became available.
- Motion by Dan Williams, 2nd by Ben Eithun, to fund up to $5000 to reimburse Mercy Hospital for expenses related to TCAR registration fees of SCRTAC sponsored attendees: Unanimous approval
- The Difficult Airway Course – EMS (Williams)
- Took place June 16 & 17 at the Health Sciences Learning Center on the UW Hospital Campus. The final course review and assessment will take place July 6th.
- SCRTAC ER physicians were paired with SCRTAC paramedics
- While there were some student/teacher ratio concerns and overall course delivery concerns, the overwhelming summary was that the learning content was very valuable for both the MDs and the paramedics.
- Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR)(Jung/Williams):
- Trauma care equipment for EMS (Williams)
- Funds from the SCRTAC and the South Central Health Care Coalition have been allocated on Multi-Victim Trauma Bags, with the intent of equipping first arriving ambulances/responders with the equipped needed to help stabilize multiple severely injured victims.
- The EC has authorized SCRTAC Coordinator Williams to spend all remaining 2015-2016 budget funds on bags and equipment to support this initiative.
- The SCHCC coordinator has asked that the SCRTAC coordinator take the lead in the distribution of these bags.
- Williams will be receiving the deliveries and assembling the bags for distribution
- Distribution plan TBD
- Presidential ‘Stop-the-Bleed’ campaign: 2016-2017 SCRTAC Objective (Williams)
- The SCRTAC General Membership supports the SCRTAC taking a supporting role in implementing the Stop-the-Bleed campaign throughout our region during FY2016-2017.
- A Stop-the-Bleed committee has been established to address the implementation of this campaign in our region.
- Executive Council members were invited to join the committee:
- Kelly Jung and Ben Eithun volunteered their participation.
- Executive Council members were invited to join the committee:
- Budget: FY2016-2017
- Williams shared a draft proposed budget for contract funds.
- Motion by Chris Walters, 2nd by Heather Poker to approve the FY2016-2017 Budget as proposed by Williams: Unanimous approval.
- Meeting dates/times/locations moving forward
- Motion by Dan Williams, 2nd by Heather Poker, to have the SCRTAC continue to meet on the 4th Tuesday of every EVEN month, but to move its meeting time to 10AM: Unanimous approval.
- Other:
- At the August 23rd meeting, Williams hopes to review the SWAT analysis results done this past several meetings by the SCRTAC general membership and executive council – to give the council some fuel for thought and action moving forward.
- Next meeting: August 23rd, 10AM, via teleconference for now.
- Adjournment:
- Motion by Wendi Stitzer, 2nd by Ben Eithun: Unanimous approval